$4.99 /mo

A collage of students doing activities

Join Fledge to access our library of content, resources, and grow and build your skills alongside a virtual world.

Subscriptions include

Unlimited access to all content

Building and interacting in virtual garden

Progress reports

Student or child access

Access to all activities

Looking for district or school pricing?

We offer district pricing for schools and districts looking to purchase multiple licenses. Contact us to learn more.

Who we are

Making Fledge-lings

Fledge draws inspiration from the word "fledgling," symbolizing the transformative stage of a young bird learning to fly. We view students as fledglings, embarking on their journey of growth and acquiring the essential skills to thrive in their unique environments. We provide them with the tools and support they need to become confident and capable young adults, as they prepare to leave the nest and venture into the real world.

How we teach

A holistic approach to learning

At Fledge, we bridge the gap between a child's academic success and mental wellbeing, providing a comprehensive solution to a complex problem. We ensure that no child is left unheard, no challenge goes unnoticed.